Cerebral | Paid Social Static Ad & Caption


Cerebral is an online mental health platform.


The audience for this ad is busy mothers with the goal of reminding them to take care of themselves with an accompanying caption aligned to the copy for the platform’s social accounts.


Two parts of this ad needed to work together: the sticky notes and phone copy. Both needed to emphasize the concept of the never-ending to-do list. The idea is to capture the attention of a busy mom, so I wanted the sticky notes to name specific, relatable moments a mother may experience in a day. Then in the middle, she has the most important task to put herself at the top of her to-do list, quickly reminding her that her needs matter too. The caption extends this concept by again, naming tasks, with ‘you’ at the end of the list. ‘You’ is at the end of the list to emphasize busy mothers often putting their needs last.

The caption closes with another reminder that a mom’s mental health deserves to be cared for with Cerebral as the solution for finding help.


Steelcase | Paid Social Static Ad


Steelcase | Paid Social Static Ad